Hi, I'm Kunal Mathur—an experienced software developer with over 3 years of expertise in full-stack application development and troubleshooting. I'm passionate about crafting efficient and secure solutions while continuously expanding my skills in software development and data security.
What i Use ?
Languages: PHP, Javascript/Typescript, Python
Frameworks / Library: Laravel, React/Next js, Vue/Nuxt js, Livewire
Styling: Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Sass/Scss
DevOps: Git, GitHub, AWS, Docker, Azure, Linux
Others: Vs code, PhpStorm, Figma for design
What i’ve Build ?
Tour and Travel Package Manager
A Tour and Travel Package Manager Software Includes Basic Authentication System Build With Laravel 8 And Admin LTE V3 Dashboard Template, Package/Category CRUD System, Admin Profile Manager.
BookMyAppoint I Build This Project in Master's Mid Semester, Appointment Booking and Managing System With Trio Login System For Admin, Service Provider & Customer, CRUD System For Appointment Slots, Appointment Schedules.